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Re: Flexbar source code? (Was: feature request)

On 18/01/13 14:43, Andreas Tille wrote:
Could you please contact the authors / those who asked you for the
packaging to care for a versioned source code tarball besides their
binary download files.  (And yes, we could checkout from SVN but
it is better to avoid this to safe us from extra hassle.)

Hi, Andreas.

Can we not just export a snapshot of their SVN version?

For example:

# @(#)SVN  2013-01-18  A.J.Travis

# Checkout current SVN version and export a clean source snapshot
VERSION=$(svn info svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/flexbar/code | awk '/Revision/{print $2}')

svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/flexbar/code/trunk flexbar-code
svn export svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/flexbar/code/trunk flexbar_src_v2.$VERSION
tar jcf flexbar_src_v2.$VERSION.tgz flexbar_src_v2.$VERSION

This is how I got the sources I'm using on our Bio-Linux server in Edinburgh.

This would be a precondition for our packaging work and we should
make sure that we will be able to start smoothly without spending
time into things like this.

Well, since it's me who wants to package their software for Debian-Med and Bio-Linux I think I should make the effort to smooth things along!

See you in Kiel

Indeed, I'm looking forward to the meeting!



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