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proposed patch libbam-dev due to cufflinks configure script not picking up bam.h


so, i was trying to compile the latest version of cufflinks. it would
simply not budge: kept tripping over not finding bam.h . The culpit is
ax_bam.m4 : it is trying to find  @%:@include <bam/bam.h>  (line 105)
my solution was to ln -s /usr/include/samtools /usr/linclude/bam .
worked just fine.

i see that in http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=20110104103405.GB28632%40sanger.ac.uk&forum_name=samtools-devel
there was a discussion going on from dec 2010 till may 2011, but it
does not look that anything came out of that. would incorporating the
softlink into libbam-dev be an acceptable solution till i finally
finish the autotools book and submit a patch to upsteam?

thank you,

george marselis

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