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Re: CfP - 12th Libre Software Meeting, Strasbourg, France


On Tue, Mar 01, 2011 at 11:17:50AM +0100, Eric MAEKER wrote:
> I have submitted a presentation about drug-drug and patient-drug interactions management with FreeMedForms apps. I hope that my presentation will be accepted. If it is I'll be there for a day too...
> You can find the abstract here:
> 	http://www.freemedforms.com/en/science/communications/rmll2011

I'm quite happy that there are two speakers from Debian Med crew.
Usually I join LSM which is quite a nice event - but events are
a bit dense this year and thus I did not decided yet.
> I would be really pleased to meat you @RMLL ;) (I hope you talk french :D)

I'm soory I do not speak French (even if this would be helpful at

Kind regards



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