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Re: How to properly integrate cran2deb into Debian?

Hi Tony,

On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 03:37:55PM +0000, Tony Travis wrote:
> On 18/02/11 10:08, Andreas Tille wrote:
>> Hi,
>> probably not the right list, debian-science list comes rather to mind
>> because Dirk Eddelbuettel (in CC) is also reading there.  So please move
>> to this list in case you want to continue discussing this issue.
>> On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 09:54:52AM +0100, Manuel Prinz wrote:
>>> Anyway, the question to me boils down to the one in the subject: How can
>>> we properly integrate cran2deb-built packages into Debian? There are a
>>> lot of useful packages in CRAN, and even if we're mostly concerned about
>>> BioConductor at the moment, it would be nice to have the whole CRAN in
>>> Debian.
>> [...]
> If Bioconductor is no longer releavant to Debian-Med, what were our  
> discussions in Travemuende, and Steffen's work on cran2deb all about?

Huh - that seems to be a perfect missunderstanding to me!  How in the
world came you to the conclusion Bioconductor would not be relevant to
Debian Med?  Do you think so because I suggested to move the discussion
to Debian Science list?  My reason to do so was because there are
several technicans involved in R packaging lurking at this list (most
specifically the main R packagers like Dirk) but not here on the Debian
Med list and we would hide competent eyes from our discussion here.  The
question was a pure technical one and not about the content of handling
bio-medical problems.

So my original offer stays valid:  Just provide a list of those
BioConductor packages which have the highest relevance for you and we
will include them into official Debian (in addition to the BioConductor
cran2deb effort).  This has several advantages but also the drawback
of outdated packages.  My concern was to keep the advantages by at the
same time sovling the problem of outdated packages for cran2deb *and*
BioConductor - but that's simply a non-biological question and does
not need to be discussed primarily here on this list.

Sorry if I have uses a misunderstandable wording



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