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Homepage of LibMems?

Hi Aaron,

you are mentioned as the author of libMems in the AUTHORS file of

I intent to package this library for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution
on behalf of the Debian-Med project[1].  The final goal will be to
include Mauve (in fact I just found your libMems because I want to
package Mauve).  The reason is that Debian-Med tries to include all
software that is relevent for medical care including preclinical
research.  The Mauve project will be used at the German Robert
Koch Institute and I try to support my users by providing easy
to install packages.

The reason why I'm writing to you is that it is considered good
style to contact the upstream author of a software that will be
integrated into Debian first - even if the GPL does not require
this we think it is a good relation to authors of "upstream
software" (as project authors called in Debian).

Once I'm contacting you I would like to give you some hint which
might be useful for other users as well: libMems seems to be
perfectly hidden (only 9 Google hits) and I guess the reason is
that there is no apropriate home page for this project.  Do
you intent to create such a page, perhaps containing some short
description and pointing to the latest release and perhaps some
version control system repository.  Perhaps at least some
project page at SourceForge or some other Free Software hosting
site might serve this purpose.  This would also simplify to
describe the package properly for Debian-Med because we
try to provide a link to the upstream homepage whereever possible.
You will notice that once the package is uploaded to the Debian
distribution many Google hits will be added automatically and
it would be in your interest that these hits at least link
to the original place where libMems was obtained from.

Once we are talking about homepages: You are also listed as lead
developer of libGenome.  As you might read at my latest posting
to the Debian-Med mailing list[2] there is some confusion about
the homepage of libGenome which seems to exist at a subdirectory
of your homepage at WISC[3] but it features a much older version.
WOuld you mind to update this page to avoid users starting to
use an old version?  This would be very helpful.  Everything
I told you about libMeme is also valid for libGenome.  We also
like to package this library for Debian to gather the prerequsites
for our final target Mauve.  Because you seem also involved into
the general Mauve development I would like you to have a
look at this posting[4] where I tried to find a clue about
libClustalW.  It would be nice if you could comment on this
(preferably as response to the mailing list) or at least
foreward thoe problem to the responsible persons.

Kind regards and many thanks for working on free biological software


[1] http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-med
[2] http://lists.debian.org/debian-med/2008/02/msg00150.html
[3] http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~darling/libgenome/
[4] http://lists.debian.org/debian-med/2008/02/msg00148.html

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