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gcc-xml package

Dear LI,

I notice that you reopened the bug requesting a gcc-xml package,
retitled it to ITP, and provided a pointer to your package on

It doesn't appear that any upload of gccxml has yet happened.  Since
you put the package on mentors.debian.net, I presume that you are not
yet a debian developer.  Would you like me to sponsor an upload of the

I'm interested in having gccxml in order to build cableswig, which I
need in order to build itk.

See http://lists.debian.org/debian-med/2006/01/msg00027.html

I pulled down your sources but could not build them with the
current gcc 4 in sid.  Searching gccxml mailing list leads me to
believe that we need to package up a CVS version of gccxml.  Brad
King said:

    Version 0.6 was released long before the compiler version you're
    trying to simulate (GCC 4.0).  You'll have to use the CVS version
    of gccxml.


And elsewhere he said that no new release is scheduled.

So, with your permission, I could either: (a) pull the CVS tree,
migrate your debian patch file, and upload it; or (b) have you do the
work and I'll sponsor an upload.


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