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New LTS Coordinator email alias

Hello everyone,

I wanted to announce the creation of a new LTS/ELTS coordinator email
address alias: lts-coordinator@freexian.com

This alias will be shared by the primary LTS coordinator (me) and all
backup/alternate coordinators (at present, Santiago).

If you have any concerns that need to be addressed by the coordinator,
please use the shared email address rather than emailing one of us
directly. This will help ensure that if one or the other is unavailable
that a timely decision is made and the response communicated.

Some examples of things which might be expected to be addressed to the

- questions regarding distribution or re-allocation of hours (e.g.,
  monthly dispatch, returning unused hours, allocating substantial hours
  from Available:Extra)
- questions regarding pursuing especially complicated fixes (e.g., when
  the benefit is not especially clear and the work require may be
- questions regarding potentially disruptive actions (e.g., backporting
  a new version of a package because the current version cannot be
- scheduling of front desk slots
- issues or agenda items to be discussed in the monthly meeting
- general policy questions

Note that this list is not exhaustive, but rather representative of the
matters that have involved the coordinator in the last several months.
Naturally, if you are unsure about something, it is certainly better to

Additionally, even if you are not a contributor, questions or concerns
which might not be appropriate for a public mailing list can be directed
to the coordinator email address.



Roberto C. Sánchez

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