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Re: Debian's 30th Birthday (was: Re: Platform)

Hi Jonathan,

Sending to debian-localgroups@l.d.o. and removing debian-vote.

Em 20/03/2023 09:08, Jonathan Carter escreveu:
Hi Paulo

I agree, last year I was swamped around Debian's birthday nearly even missed it altogether. I was thinking then that it would be a lost opportunity to not do something bigger for the 30th.

How enthusiastic are you about this? Would you be willing to put together a team who could help manage a 30th birthday? This could be great for local teams, especially if we could try something like 30 birthday parties in 30 cities across the world, and perhaps 30 talks/events that could be broadcasted during the event.

Might be nice to set it up DebConf-style, complete with a wafer site and have the video infra up for it, but I'm just spitballing here. Either way, I'm very happy to support a team who work on 30th birthday celebrations, and the budget for it won't be a problem. If some people from local teams could get together to brainstorm and plan it, I'm sure it could be something very memorable.

Here in Brazil we intend to organize talks during the week of August 16th, as we did on "Fique em casa use Debian". Probably we will have one or two talks every night in portuguese streaming on YouTube.

I can't put together a team to organizar a international event, but I commented few days ago I can help to write a "call for celebration" and publish it on bits.debian.org.

And I sent a message to Debian Art & Design telegram channel (https://t.me/debiandesign) asking if someone would like to create artworks. Valéssio and Jefferson sent some ideas for a campaign and specially Jefferson seems very excited to do it.

I have invited Jefferson to subscribe to debian-localgroups@l.d.o.

Best regards,

Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls)
Belo Horizonte - Brasil
Debian Developer
Site: http://phls.com.br
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