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Re: IMPORTANT: Do live Debian images have a future?

metalsmith@rangeweb.net wrote:
>I would like to know what is wanted in testing these images.  The
>installer itself I am sure.  But what else is really desired?
>I am sure that there is a list of test cases somewhere but it would be
>nice to know where that is.

That's one of the missing pieces, I'll be honest - we *don't* have a
sensible list of test cases to help evaluate images. If you'd like to
help right now, this would be a good thing to start with. A page in
the Debian wiki would be lovely. :-)

As a start, my own simple testing for the last few years has basically been:

 * does the image boot to a sensible-looking desktop?
 * can I start a browser?
 * will it load and display http://news.bbc.co.uk/?

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve@einval.com
"Because heaters aren't purple!" -- Catherine Pitt

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