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Re: EFI support in Live-Build 4.x?

El 18/06/15 a las 17:31, Ozi Traveller escibió:
> Hi
> Could some please tell me whether EFI is supported in Live-Build 4.x? If
> not, is it likely to be added to 4.x? 
> I would like to add EFI support to my distro.
> Thanks 
> Ozi
Ozi, there is not have uefi support on LB 4.x

We use a little hack for out distro. See auto/build:


This consist on copy uefi files in the binary part.
Then you must create a usb disk formated with fat32 and use unetbooin
(or similar) to copy the iso to the usb drive.

This is ugly but work for us until get official uefi support.

Fernando Toledo
Dock Sud BBS

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