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Re: Debian Live 7.0: 7.0~b4 released

On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 7:30 PM, chals <chals@altorricon.com> wrote:
> But well, here we go, at last, straight to the point: I booted an
> standard image http://live.debian.net/cdimage/release/next/i386/iso-hybrid/debian-wheezy-live-b4-i386-standard.iso
> and I believe that all other images will show a similar issue.

Seems I can confirm. While I was writing the previous mail I tested an
xfce image http://live.debian.net/cdimage/release/next/i386/iso-hybrid/debian-wheezy-live-b4-i386-xfce-desktop.iso

Since there are no preferences files in the resulting image. apt-get
update and apt-get upgrade try to install the versions in sid of a
bunch of programs other than the live-* ones.

Creating the /etc/apt/preferences file *only* the live-* packages are
retrieved and installed from sid.

I recorded a typescript of both processes but paste.debian.net does
not let me paste them since they are too big. I can trim them and send
 the links to the list if anyone is interested in reading them. No

I can also confirm what Daniel said, that live-build's handling of apt
pinning is correct as seen in the second test.

I hope this extra information is useful.

Later :)


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