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Re: Re: Re: persistence wheezy live hdd doesn't work

Thx, now it's more clear.
I've pin live-boot and live-boot-initramfs-tools from sid to /config/packages.chroot and created hdd binary.img.
First I copy binary.img into usb stick:

# dd if=binary.img of=/dev/sdb

I'd like to use extra, additional partition on usb stick for persistence.
So, I've created a new ext4 partition labeled persistence on the free space in usb stick:

# mkfs.ext4 -L persistence /dev/sdb2
# mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb2 /mnt
# echo "/home" >> /mnt/persistence.conf
# umount /mnt

Now, if I boot from this usb stick the second sdb2 partition is mounted as /lib/live/persistence/sdb2 and works well!

# df -h
Dateisystem    Größe Benutzt Verf. Verw% Eingehängt auf
rootfs          501M    8,3M  493M    2% /
udev             10M       0   10M    0% /dev
tmpfs           101M    576K  100M    1% /run
/dev/sdb1       622M    604M   19M   98% /lib/live/image
/dev/loop0      587M    587M     0  100% /lib/live/rootfs/filesystem.squashfs
tmpfs           501M    8,3M  493M    2% /lib/live/overlay
aufs            501M    8,3M  493M    2% /
/dev/sdb2       356M     62M  276M   19% /lib/live/persistence/sdb2
/dev/sdb2       356M     62M  276M   19% /home
tmpfs           5,0M       0  5,0M    0% /run/lock
tmpfs           201M     76K  201M    1% /run/shm
tmpfs           501M     24K  501M    1% /tmp

BTW can I use persistence-media=removable-usb as a boot parameter to mount just this second partition as persistence from the usb stick, instead look for other persistence partitions on the hard drive? 

On Oct 8, 2012, chals <chals@altorricon.com> wrote:

On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 11:35 PM, upiter77@lycos.com <upiter77@lycos.com> wrote:
> Hi Daniel
> I've done, exact what you suggested, the upgrade of these packages live-boot
> und live-config from sid on my wheezy and then I have created a new hdd
> image, but the additional persistence partirtion won't be mounted as /home
> and persistence still doesn't work.
> Any idea what's the clue?

This quoted text above is from this very thread, but from a different mail.

I do not think you understood what Daniel said: "you'll need to pin
the sid packages in when building a wheezy image."

And you say, if I understand correctly, that you upgraded the packages
*in* your wheezy so no wonder it does not work. To correctly follow
Daniel's advice please see live-manual, apt pinning section.

On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 12:55 PM, upiter77@lycos.com <upiter77@lycos.com> wrote:
> OK, I've created hdd binary.img and I've done dd into 1GB usb stick:
> Now my big problem is, howto copy this persistence volume file into a usb
> stick.

*Just in case* you got it all right (as stated before). Are you sure
you want to use an image file for persistence? If so, that is the
correct procedure. But

> Do I need additional ext4 partition for this persistence volume file?
> What's the label of this additional partition, ist it home-rw (live-rw) like
> on squeeze?

Yes and no. Of course, you need to place the image file in the root of
a readable filesystem/partition, but not necessarily "an additional
ext4 partition" that would be suitable if you intend to use the extra
space on the usb stick.

The label has to be persistence but *only* if you want to make that
partition persistent, it is not necessary to use any label if you
intend to use the image file you created for persistence. I think
live-manual explains this quite correctly.

In short. You can use either a partition or an image file for
persistence. The persistence label has to be where you want to store
the files. You could use your image or the partition and in some cases
both, since it is possible to use several persistence volumes.

Forget me if I'm wrong. I hope all this makes sense to you.



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