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Re: Live builds


On 23/11/10 6:47 AM, Richard Nelson wrote:
> Greetings,
> On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 12:50 AM, James Bernard
> <jamesabernard@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 22/11/10 11:40 AM, Richard Nelson wrote:
>>> Greetings,
>>> On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 4:15 PM, James Bernard
>>> <jamesabernard@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> tahnks for the quick reply,
>>>> On 22/11/2010 6:38 AM, Richard Nelson wrote:
>>>>> Greetings,
>>>>> On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 2:55 AM, James Bernard
>>>>> <jamesabernard@googlemail.com>  wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Guys,
>>>>>> Doing great work
>>>>>> I tried a live build and it worked great. But now I'm receiving an email
>>>>>> every 2 days or so saying my build is ready! It would appear to be
>>>>>> repeating itself as the build was the same and I hadn't asked for a new
>>>>>> build. Is there a way of stopping the repeat build?
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Which interface did you use to build, CGI or Django?
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>> I used the interface here:
>>>> http://live-build.debian.net/cgi-bin/live-build
>>> Can you send the email you requested for your builds?
>>> Also are the build numbers the same or are they different?
>>> Please make sure you use reply all to get the d-l m-l informed on this thread.
>>> Thanks.
>> I used the web front-end to start the builds and then received emails to
>> confirm the completed build.
>> First email was good: live-build web-frontend - Build
>> 20101117.010114.217515915 dated: 17th nov
>> 2nd email was repeat build but new number: live-build web-frontend -
>> Build 20101120.140037.717310854 dated 20th Nov
>> 3rd email as above: live-build web-frontend - Build
>> 20101121.021531.919161262 dated 21st Nov
> The log file shows the follow requests:
> - - [21/Nov/2010:02:11:35 -0600]
> "20101121.021531.919161262 i386/sid/lxde/ardour jack jack-tools
> jack-rack alsa-base alsa-utils qjackctl " 200 - "-" ""
> - - [20/Nov/2010:14:11:31 -0600]
> "20101120.140037.717310854 i386/sid/lxde/ardour jack jack-tools
> jack-rack alsa-base alsa-utils qjackctl " 200 - "-" ""
> - - [17/Nov/2010:01:11:29 -0600]
> "20101117.010114.217515915 i386/sid/lxde/ardour jack jack-tools
> jack-rack alsa-base alsa-utils qjackctl " 200 - "-" ""
> So not sure. Appears to be something not related to the service since
> the service is building based on the requests as would be expected. I
> hope this information assists.
I have worked out what is happening, once I had sent the request I left
the page open and not moved on to the page for download (opened in new
tab) so every time I re-started the browser it sent another request! I
have now closed this page!


fn:James Bernard

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