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Re: Using a newer kernel with lenny

On 29/08/10 02:25 AM, Frank Zambrini wrote:
Thanks, I did not know that. However I am not sure why lh would be trying to install the squashfs-modules packages. My package list includes standard-x11 along with some other desktop specific stuff. Could there be a dependency issue with the package? Thanks for the help.

Your config is broken. The log excerpt you sent includes both 2.6.26 and 2.6.32.

Make sure you know all switches needed to regenerate your config, remove all top-level config files from config/* (but leave the material in subdirectories of config/ alone) and redo 'lh config' with all switches necessary to regenerate your config.

You can use an auto/clean and auto/config hooks to do this cleanup & reconfiguration automatically for you every time you 'lh clean' and 'lh config'. You'll find examples of these in use in my eeepc-live project in git:



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