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Noise from fsck

Marco Amadori wrote:
> Stackable fs the name of the files present on "/live" of the r-o media, if 
> they are more than just 1. e.g. one for a base system and some more that adds 
> just X, then gnome or kde, 4 files that could lead to different systems, 
> triggered by a bootparm at boot time; or the unofficial ones like a custom 
> user-created "diff" squashfs.

formally, i do not distinguish if the squashfs image is one single
image, or splitted up into two or more; that's why it doesn't make any
difference, every user will end up with checkfs.sh on his system if he
uses live-installer, because that very script is already present in the
squashfs image, unrelated to the fact if it is removed from the live
system at run time or not.

however, as soon as we make use of multiple squashfs images,
live-installer needs to support that too, of course.

> But people could anyway build a debian-live image with a f*cked up chroot, 
> install from a single f*ckedup squashfs and ask for support on #debian in a 
> legal way....

i beg to differ. there is a difference between a user creates a system
completely on its own, and a user just modifies a system (through
snapshots). anyway that is not important now; we can discuss that as
soon as we come to it (e.g. once snapshots work more reliable).

> Ok, you also removed checkroot.sh links deletion?

i've commented it for now, yes.

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann at panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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