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List of Live CD based on Debian Live

Hello everybody,
>> Had in idea today talking to another dev of live cd about DL.
>> Why don't we put on the wiki links to the live cd done with DL with a
>> short description, the link and a screenshot?
>> In my case, I would put also my conf file if possible. My project is
>> www.artistx.org
> Very nice.
Thanks, we are in Distrowatch now and getting  a lot of nice people to
try media things with it.
> Can you put the configuration file in the Wiki? I am interested in 
> advanced examples. 
Of course, but the core package list it's already there, in the
Multimedia how-to.
I can also help with the documentation, in the next weeks I may try to
start searching for tips and tricks on this list and do a page which
will eventually become as useful as the "old" Knoppix Customize Docs.
It's not essential, but definitely a plus. As for the site I'm here to
give the help needed: it is just I would like to hear first from the
devs, they know best what is urgent :-)
> May be you like to make a nice alternate boot and splash screen for 
> debian live? 
Working on it with a friend of mine who is a good digital artist. If I
get suggestions from the core developers on which media they would like
to change I will for sure.
IMHO a ogg vorbis video with a audio commented make-live session
(screencast) would add 100% user ease to our lovely DL. A html tutorial
included in the cd also.
>> I think it maybe a good way of getting the thing outside to people.
>> In a way DL is WAY better than current projects for making live cd's.
> In my eyes it is rapidly going better and better. And I think it is the 
> only live CD that non experts can build?
I don't think so. As I already stated on this list _the only_ way to go
for ultranoobs is to have an Xnest version in which they can change at
least kde/gnome appereance, add/remove software with synaptic and then
just click a big button with: make my own live system.
We did this for Mediainlinux Version 3 two years ago and it was working.
Start the live cd, click a customize button, do your changes in the
Xnest window, close the window and press "Y" to confirm you want to
create a ISO and after some minutes you have a new ISO.
This is idiot proof, to have to change /etc/ files and so on _is not_
for noobs (still). But is a great way, the best way for now (and on, and
on... :-) to create Debian Gnu/Linux based live cds for "small" and
"big" devs like us.

I miss the installer guys, I'm sorry this goes against DL policy but I
don't see the reason not give the user this possibility. I love the
Debian Graphical Installer but please don't tell me is easy as the
Ubuntu one (aargh! I named the devil :-)
Just think that my favourite installer for now is the Linspire one. I
don't know how many of you have seen it (take a look in case you didn't,
just to know). I would describe it like this: one question (password)
and five REAL minutes after the OS is installed. One reboot needed
(automatic). This of course in case of a Winzoz free machine, as for the
partitioning this is another story... I really think Debian should
provide in the installer a similar choice for extra new Linux users that
may have a old pc to give Linux a try, but I don't dear to write it on
the D-I ml :-)

Thanks for taking the time to read all this stupid thoughts, I will now
shut down for a bit...

Ciao a tutti,


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