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was: make-live iso kde-core won't start X (Marco Ghirlanda)

Jason D. Clinton wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-06-26 at 21:04 +0200, Marco Ghirlanda wrote:
>> Tried to boot a burned cd and voila': it works (Thinkpad T42P).
>> More and more I think this should be stated on the wiki: make-live
>> produces iso which doesn't boot X on Vmware or Qemu.
> It probably worked because your Thinkpad just happens to have a video
> card at the PCI address in the xorg.conf. The solution for this general
> case is to get the dpkg-reconfigure xorg-x11 stuff working again. For
> now, you could modify the xorg.conf and comment out the PCI address. The
> VESA driver will automatically probe the address so the line is useless
> and only causes problems.
Thanks Jason for your kind answers,
anyway when you say "you could modify the xorg.conf and comment out the
PCI address" do you mean after producing the first image.iso?
I think I've seen something on this list about running only the second
part of a script but I don't remember very well.
I think I will probably wait and see, as the real john doe :-)
Have a nice evening (or morning, if you write from US).

and cheers, MG

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