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Bug#935070: [lintian] Tags are too similar

On Fri, 24 Jan 2020, Felix Lechner wrote:

> > - latest-debian-changelog-entry-reuses-existing-version checks that

> > - latest-debian-changelog-entry-without-new-version checks that the

> As you point out, the former strips the epoch before comparing. It
> seemed to include the latter (and both tags had the same severity).

Does it?

> > PS: Personally I’m not negatively affected by removal of the latter,
> >     it was always annoying for local backports, but it might have
> >    saved someone else from a brown paper bag upload…
> Did you see a d/changelog that triggered the latter but not the former?

Yes:		packagename (upstreamversion-1~wtf1)
followed by	packagename (upstreamversion-1)

(or even ~bpo10+1, when there was not the word “backport” in the
changelog text)

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