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Bug#886096: lintian: Emit warnings for Alioth URLs in packaging (migration to Salsa)

[Adding Mattia to CC as he was did some work on this bug so inferring interest]

Hi Stuart et al.,

> > we now only have 6 time quanta until alioth is read-only
> I like this "time quanta" concept :)  Okay, agreed, let's get onto
> this ASAP.
> Can you help by drafting the specific tag (or tags?) and giving some
> examples of Vcs-Foo it should trigger on?

Gentle ping on this? I would love to upload another Lintian soon and
it would be a shame not to include these time-sensitive changes. 

Best wishes,

     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby@debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk

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