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Bug#829100: lintian: [patch] Warn about over-eagerly xz-compressed data.tar.xz

Jakub Wilk wrote...

> dpkg's current default is -6, which uses 9MiB of memory for decompression.
> Before dpkg 1.15.6, the default was -9, which uses 65 MiB.
> If I understand Christoph's patch correctly, the tag won't be emitted if
> memory needed for decompression is 10 MiB or less.


> So we would only bother people who overrode the default

add: In an unreasonable way.

However I'm undecided now how to deal with that. Using lintian,
actually promoted by the developer's reference 7.1.1, is somewhat
late in the chain. It was way better if dpkg-deb could automatically
decide upon an optimal compression value. After a quick glance into
the sources this seems possible but not very nice to do. Afterwards,
dpkg-deb could discourage setting the compression level manually, and
lintian could enforce that. 

At the moment, some 44[1] packages need a review, something that
might lead into a MBF.


[1] https://codesearch.debian.net/search?q=-Zxz+-z

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