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Bug#829100: lintian: [patch] Warn about over-eagerly xz-compressed data.tar.xz

Christoph Biedl <debian.axhn@manchmal.in-ulm.de> writes:

> The patch attached is just a proof of concept and not ready for
> production yet, especially since data.tar.xz is unpacked (and later
> removed) to the current working directory.

Does dh_builddeb (or dpkg-deb) already pick appropriate options to avoid
this problem?  I think this sort of Lintian warning is great for packages
that explicitly overrode default behavior to use higher compression
unnecessarily, but if they're just calling dh or dh_builddeb with no
special options, I'm worried about Lintian encouraging people to add a
bunch of overrides to fix the problem in the wrong place.

If dh_builddeb or dpkg-deb is already smart about this, there shouldn't be
a concern; if they're not, it might make sense to gate the Lintian tag on
the existence of a dh_builddeb override in debian/rules so that people
don't get Lintian warnings about just using the default behavior
(something that we would want to encourage so that we can fix this
globally in the correct place).

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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