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Bug#793503: lintian: Please warn on obsolete URLs

On 2015-09-02 22:21, Axel Beckert wrote:
> Hi,
> [...]
> Niels: Which existing check would be best to add such a check? I'd
> check at least debian/control, debian/copyright, debian/watch, and
> debian/upstream/metadata (plus variants).

Have you considered making a dedicated check for it? :)

> Maybe fields.pm?

The fields.pm check is testing fields in the .dsc file.  Not to confused
with control-file.pm which tests the d/control file (which itself should
not to be confused with control-file*s*.pm.  The latter checks the
control files in binary packages).

> debian/copyright doesn't necessarily need to have fields (i.e. if not
> in DEP5 format) and debian/watch doesn't have fields either...

All the more reason for it to not go into fields.pm.  The other being
that fields.pm is rather large already.

> Maybe split up the test using the same data file (I'd name it
> data/*/obsolete-sites) and then using it in fields.pm, watch-file.pm
> and copyright-file.pm separately?

That is certainly an option.  In that case, please put the data file in
data/common.  Please keep in mind that the Lintian::Data->new call
should be *exactly the same* in all checks using it.  A bit of a caveat,
but in practise it has not been an issue to date.

> But where to check debian/upstream/metadata and friends then?
> [...]
> 		Regards, Axel

I do not think we look at the file at all.  You would have to make such
a check. :)


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