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[SCM] Debian package checker branch, master, updated. 2.5.3-15-g34c1db5

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 34c1db562c1230df37872ceb54af51b326a7fc92
Author: Niels Thykier <niels@thykier.net>
Date:   Sat Sep 17 11:44:48 2011 +0200

    Rewrote the graph generator
    By default it now tries to rank/group collections and checks based
    on their dependencies.  This tends to make the dot-generated images
    easier to understand.

diff --git a/private/graph b/private/graph
index 42e94cd..71f9c67 100755
--- a/private/graph
+++ b/private/graph
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
     my $root = $ENV{'LINTIAN_ROOT'}//'.';
     $ENV{'LINTIAN_ROOT'} = $root;
@@ -11,27 +13,215 @@ use lib "$ENV{'LINTIAN_ROOT'}/lib";
 use Util;
+my %opt = (
+    'checks'     => 1,
+    'dep-level'  => 1,
+# $coll -> Needs-Info
 my %coll_needs;
+# Reverse %coll_needs - note values are "$type-$name"
+my %coll_rneeds;
+# $check -> Needs-Info
+my %check_needs;
+my %nodes = ();
+my %edges = ();
+my @ranks = ();
+my %opthash = (
+    'checks!' => \$opt{'checks'},
+    'dep-level' => \$opt{'dep-level'},
+    'h|help' => \&usage,
+# init commandline parser
+Getopt::Long::config('bundling', 'no_getopt_compat', 'no_auto_abbrev');
+# process commandline options
+    or die("error parsing options\n");
 foreach my $collf (glob ("$LINTIAN_ROOT/collection/*.desc")) {
     my $coll = get_dsc_info($collf) or die "$collf: $!";
     my $name = $coll->{'collector-script'} or die "$collf is missing collector-script field.\n";
     my @needs = split m/\s*+,\s*+/o, $coll->{'needs-info'}//'';
     $coll_needs{$name} = \@needs;
+    foreach my $n (@needs) {
+        push @{ $coll_rneeds{$n} }, "coll-$name";
+    }
+if ($opt{'checks'}) {
+    foreach my $checkf (glob ("$LINTIAN_ROOT/checks/*.desc")) {
+        my $check = get_dsc_info($checkf) or die "$checkf: $!";
+        my $name = $check->{'check-script'} or die "$checkf is missing check-script field.\n";
+        my @needs = split m/\s*+,\s*+/o, $check->{'needs-info'}//'';
+        $check_needs{$name} = \@needs;
+        foreach my $n (@needs) {
+            push @{ $coll_rneeds{$n} }, "check-$name";
+        }
+    }
-print <<EOF ;
+if ($opt{'dep-level'}) {
+    gen_tree_coll();
+exit 0;
+sub gen_tree_coll {
+    my @levels;
+    my @queue;
+    my %visited = (); # key -> "level" - also counts as "marker"
+    my %re = (); # "remaining" edges
+    # Breadth first search with multiple source nodes
+    # - Note we visit a node when we reach it through its LAST egde
+    # - first find the source nodes and enqueue them
+    foreach my $node (keys %coll_needs) {
+        my $needed = $coll_needs{$node};
+        if (scalar @$needed < 1) {
+            push @queue, $node; #enqueue
+            $visited{$node} = 0;
+        } else {
+            # "remaining" edges
+            my %e = map { $_ => 1 } @$needed;
+            $re{$node} = \%e;
+        }
+    }
+    # Do the BFS
+    while (@queue) {
+        my $node = shift @queue; #dequeue
+        my $level = $visited{$node};
+        push @{ $levels[$level] }, "coll-$node";
+        foreach my $other (@{ $coll_rneeds{$node} }) {
+            next unless $other =~ s/^coll-//o;
+            next if exists $visited{$other};
+            delete $re{$other}->{$node};
+            # Is this the last edge to this node?
+            next if scalar keys %{ $re{$other} };
+            # Yes, then we visit it.
+            $visited{$other} = $level + 1;
+            push @queue, $other; #enqueue
+        }
+    }
+    # BFS done, create ranks for checks (if needed)
+    if ($opt{'checks'}) {
+        foreach my $c (sort keys %check_needs) {
+            my $needs = $check_needs{$c};
+            my $level = 0;
+            if (@$needs) {
+                foreach my $dep (@$needs) {
+                    $level = $visited{$dep} if $visited{$dep} > $level;
+                }
+                $level++;
+            }
+            push @{ $levels[$level] }, "check-$c";
+        }
+    }
+    # Done - generate ranks and the graph
+    @ranks = map { ['same', $_] } @levels;
+sub make_graph {
+    _header();
+    print "// Nodes\n";
+    foreach my $node (sort keys %nodes) {
+        my $attr = $nodes{$node}//'';
+        my $n = "\"$node\"";
+        $n .= " [ $attr ]" if $attr;
+        print "    $n\n";
+    }
+    print "\n// Edges\n";
+    foreach my $sn (sort keys %edges) {
+        foreach my $en (sort keys %{ $edges{$sn} }) {
+            my ($et, $attr) = @{ $edges{$sn}->{$en} };
+            my $e = "\"$sn\" $et \"$en\"";
+            $e .= " [ $attr ]" if $attr;
+            print "    $e\n";
+        }
+    }
+    print "\n";
+    _footer();
+sub gen_coll_check {
+    foreach my $coll (sort keys %coll_needs) {
+        my %ed;
+        $nodes{"coll-$coll"} = "label=\"$coll\"";
+        foreach my $dep (@{ $coll_needs{$coll} }) {
+            $ed{"coll-$dep"} = ['->'];
+        }
+        $edges{"coll-$coll"} = \%ed;
+    }
+    if ($opt{'checks'}) {
+        foreach my $check (sort keys %check_needs) {
+            my %ed;
+            $nodes{"check-$check"} = "label=\"$check\" shape=box color=blue";
+            foreach my $dep (@{ $check_needs{$check} }) {
+                $ed{"coll-$dep"} = ['->'];
+            }
+            $edges{"check-$check"} = \%ed;
+        }
+    }
+sub _header {
+    print <<EOF ;
 digraph "lintian-collections" {
 // This graph shows the dependency relation ships between various
-// collections.
+// collections (and possibly also checks)
-foreach my $coll (sort keys %coll_needs) {
-    foreach my $dep (@{ $coll_needs{$coll} }) {
-        print "\"$coll\" -> \"$dep\"\n";
+sub _footer {
+    if (@ranks) {
+        print "//Ranks\n";
+        foreach my $r (@ranks) {
+            my ($rank, $nodes) = @$r;
+            print "    { rank=$rank; \"" . join('" "', @$nodes) . "\" }\n";
+        }
+        print "\n";
+    print "}\n";
-print "}\n";
+sub usage {
+    my $p = $0;
+    $p=~ s,.*/,,g;
+    print <<EOF ;
+Usage: $p [options]
+  --[no-]checks    - Whether to include checks in the graph
+  --[no-]dep-level - Try to prettify the graph by using "dependency levels"
+Generates a (Graphviz dot) graph that describes relations between
+various checks and collections.
+If --dep-level is used, the nodes will be grouped together by how late
+the collection (or check) can be scheduled.  A collection (or check)
+is considered schedulable when all of its dependencies (if any) have
+been scheduled.
+  This option has no effect on the "semantics" of the graph.  It just
+tends to make dot generate images that are easier to understand.
+In a dot-generated image, the boxes (with blue borders) will be the checks
+and the ellipses are collections.

Debian package checker

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