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Re: [DRAFT] Upcoming changes in lintian & some bits

On Sun, 2011-02-20 at 00:16 -0600, Raphael Geissert wrote:
> [to be sent after 2.5.0 is uploaded to experimental]
> Overrides breakage
> ==================
> During the development of Lintian 2.5.0 it was decided to finally use a 
> consistent way to report file names in tags.  Additionally, the embedded-
> lib* tags have all been merged into embedded-library.

"Additionally, the previously separate embedded-lib* tags have been
merged into the embedded-library tag."

> It is because of these reasons that many overrides are expected to break.
> We recognise this change might cause some noise, but we are convinced the 
> advantage outweighs the side-effect.

"As a consequence of these changes, the new Lintian release will cause
many existing overrides to no longer apply.  We recognise that this will
lead to some noise in the short term but are convinced that the longer
term advantages make this worthwhile."

> We expect auto rejections to be disabled for the affected, non-fatal, tags 
> for a while to give a grace period of time for this transition.

s/of time//

Have we talked to ftp-master about that?

> Lintian 2.4.0, currently in experimental, has a list of tags we expect to be 
> used for auto rejections after the grace period of time.  --ftp-master-
> rejects can be used to only check for those tags.

s/of time// again; "a list of the tags which we anticipate will be used
for auto rejections after the grace period".  As Niels said, 2.*5*.0.

> Current status
> ==============
> Thanks to Niels Thykier joining the team, Lintian 2.5.0 features a number of 
> new checks and many bug fixes.  Lintian 2.5.0 closed 51 bug reports.

s/closed/closes/ ?

> Continuing with the tradition of comparing the number of tags of Lintian 
> between Debian releases: Debian etch's Lintian shipped with 555 tags, 
> lenny's with 712 tags, and squeeze's with 878.  Lintian 2.5.0 already has 
> 890, in spite of the consolidation of many tags.
> Upcoming work
> =============
> Niels Thykier has been working on infrastructure changes that are going to 
> be included in upcoming releases.  The changes include cleanup and code 
> refactoring.
> A lot of work is still needed to complete some olds goals, start working on 
> a major infrastructure rewrite, and finally get to work on goals discussed 
> during Debconf 10, in New York City.


"We are continuing to make inroads towards completing the goals we have
previously set ourselves for Lintian development and are planning
further infrastructure changes.  We hope seen to begin work on the goals
discussed during last year's Debconf in New York City."  [Maybe include
a link to a discussion of the DC10 stuff?]

> If you have any ideas for new tests that would be helpful to you, please
> do submit them as wishlist bugs against the lintian package.  It's nice to
> have a large collection of ideas known to be useful to someone to pick
> >From when one has a few hours to work on Lintian.




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