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Re: [DRAFT] Upcoming changes in lintian & some bits

Niels Thykier wrote:
> On 2011-02-20 07:16, Raphael Geissert wrote:
>> We expect auto rejections to be disabled for the affected, non-fatal,
>> tags for a while to give a grace period of time for this transition.
>> Lintian 2.4.0, currently in experimental, has a list of tags we expect to
>> be
>           ^^^^^
> 2.5.0?

Oops, thanks.

> Did we want to upload 2.5.0 to experimental or a 2.5.0 pre-release?  I
> seem to recall Russ wanted to do it as a pre-release/release candidate,
> but I cannot find any references to it.  It may be prudent in the case
> that we need to break another override (e.g. we missed a tag that still
> reports files with wrong prefix)

We can do that, yes. I'm okay either way.

> Maybe we should urge people to review and give feedback on the accuracy
> and severity of some of the new tags.  Possibly "selling" a bit on what
> kind of tags we have added in a short "high level" manner (e.g. Python
> Policy checks, Java Dependency checks, etc.).

What about:

Thanks to Niels Thykier joining the team, Lintian 2.5.0 features a number 
of new checks and many bug fixes, including checks specific to Java and 
Python packages.  Lintian 2.5.0 closed 51 bug reports.

> Finally, did we want to drop all the "versioned depends" from tags, if
> the version is satisfied in Squeeze? If so, perhaps we should drop the
> "missing dh depends for override targets", plus all the dh_* commands
> listed in the "%versions" hash in checks/debhelper. (Re: #612137)

Not sure. I dropped those that would cause a soft rejection.

Raphael Geissert - Debian Developer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net

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