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Re: Debian-Lex Rebirth?

On Nov 27, 2007 9:56 AM, Mathieu Lutfy <mathieu@bidon.ca> wrote:

I am also not sure what the be the focus: for servers or for
desktops of lawyers?

I was thinking the focus would be on desktops.  I think that area needs more work before any firm will be able to run their entire operation on Linux.  I was even thinking of producing a custom distro for the desktop.

Another topic which I would find interesting to discuss, is how
various offices manage their accountancy. Are there many users
of Ledger-SMB (or sql-ledger)? I think it is a great program,
and if we can stimulate/facilitate case management or other
software to integrate into it, we would be able to offer a
more interesting set of packages for legal offices.

I agree.  I hadn't looked at Ledger-SMB or sql-ledger, but that sounds like a good idea.  Accounting is a very important part of a legal practice, and I have yet to find one suitable for my needs.  Other areas that need focus are document assembly and mobility.



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