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Re: New project proposal: Debian-Lex

I'm a lawyer, too, working in french part of Switzerland. I've worked on a 
special soft (etude) developped first only to meet the needs of my office. 
Some friends had interest for it, so I offered it on internet 

The developpement follows suggestions of my partners, colleagues, secretaries 
and so on. So if you are interested in testing it and make your own 
suggestions, don't hesitate. It has now (but only in my office, I didn't have 
the time yet to put it on sourceforge) german language support (thanks to 
Paul Peyrot, lawyer in Zurich). I planed to get it public this week-end. For 
now, you have english, french and italian (thanks to Alessio Bogdani, 
co-developper) language support.

Hoping to have some feedback.


Olivier Subilia

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