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Re: C-FSL: a new license for software from elstel.org

Le Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 10:49:51PM +0100, Elmar Stellnberger a écrit :
>   In order to improve the situation and make this software available to a
> broader public I have once more designed a completely new license from
> scratch: the so called 'Convertible Free Software License'. It shall give
> the group of main contributors the additional right to re-license like that
> is the case for the various BSD licenses. Organizations or people who have
> not contributed to the development on the other hand will be given no such
> additional right.

Dear Elmar,

I just wanted to add to the advice of not writing new licenses, that part of
the problem that you are trying to address can be solved by requiring a
contributor agreement before merging contributions into your software's main
line.  See for instance <https://owncloud.org/contribute/agreement/>.

Have a nice Sunday,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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