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Re: [Steve Lidie <Stephen.O.Lidie@Lehigh.EDU>] Re: xodometer licensing

On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 01:42:53PM -0700, John Galt wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Sam TH wrote:
> >
> >Second, Perl was released in the mid-80s.  The current copyright law
> >is ten years older than that.  I don't know exactly when the AL was
> >written, but this would suggest that it postdates the Copyright Act of
> >1976.
> The "copyright by definition" is codified in Berne and the DMCA.  Think
> 1990 rather than 1970...

1. The Berne Convention and the DMCA are not related.  The DMCA is
actually an overzealous implementation of a different treaty, the WIPO
Copyright treaty, passed in 1996.  See

The Berne Convention was last amended in 1979.  See

2. Default copyright was established both in the Copyright Act of 1976
and the Berne Convention Implementation Act of 1988.  The relevant
sections of the US Code are 17 USC 401 et. seq.  I encourage you to
read them.  
	sam th		     
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