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Re: python 2.0 license

On Fri, Oct 20, 2000 at 07:17:17PM +0200, Tom Cato Amundsen wrote:
> I cannot see much discussion about the python 2.0 license here,
> has a agreement been reached? Will python 2.0 be included in
> woody? Do you know other forums where this is discussed?
> Please don't say debian-private!

There's an agreement that the Python 2.0 license is free according to the
DFSG, and therefore it can go into main.

Also, the stance of the FSF is that the Python 2.0 license is not compatible
with the GPL.

I.e. the situation is comparable with what we had with QPL 2.0: It's a free
license and can be included in Debian, but we won't be allowed to combine it
with GPL code.

I hear that there are still discussions between the FSF and CNRI, so it's
still possible that the issue can be settled somehow.

Now my problem is that I can't easily replace Python 1.5.2 in woody with
Python 2.0, since that might render some packages depending on python-*
illegal (the specifics of this have to be evaluated carefully). That means
that removing the Python 1.5.2 packages from woody is not an option.

Therefore I'm going to package Python 2.0 in a way that it can be installed
parallel to the old Python 1.5.2 packages. The Python 2.0 packages won't
include Readline support though (as well as other things that are covered by
the GPL).

On the other side, that means that I have to continue to provide support for
the Python 1.5.2 packages as well. I'm not sure if that will end in a code
fork based on 1.5.2.

I hope that the issue will be resolved in a better way anyhow.


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