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Re: Subject: firmware for broadcom drivers.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 11:33:12AM +0200, Hans dinsen-hansen wrote:
> I am an old NetBSD-user, and have decided to scrap my Windows
> partitions.  I have tried several Linux versions.  Only two of them
> had some kind of success.   Debian 7.8.0 and KNOPPIX 7.4.2.  The
> Debian CD wanted me to find the firmware b43/ucode15.fw and
> b43-open/ucode15.fw.  I have in vain tried to find this firmware on
> the internet.  But Knoppix, however seems to have it built-in.  At
> least Knoppix connects to my Wi-Fi.
> I would best like to use Knoppix as my base-system, but I cannot find
> out how to transfer its boot version to my hard disk.  All I find on
> the internet are explanations on how to transfer earlier versions of
> Knoppix as boot-loadable versions to the disk.  The version 7.4.2
> seems to refuse such a transfer.
> Please, can somebody help me either to make Knoppix bootable from
> hard disk, or to get hold of above mentioned firmware.

Debian has a policy of not including non-free drivers with their installation media. One is expected to download that separately and load during the install. The non-free drivers can be found here: http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/firmware/

Drives me nuts, this policy, but their distro, their rules. Usually not a problem once you have the above, in my experience.


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