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ati mach64 dri not working after upgrade to etch

Hello all,
after upgrade from sarge to etch direct rendering for my ati rage mobility 
mach64 card is not working anymore. I have self-compiled kernel 2.6.19.
I downloaded both :
but I am unable to install the second one, it aborts attempting to build 
mach64 module for the kernel, saying that I need the latest kernel source 
This version of the script supports 2.4.x and 2.6.x kernels.

Kernel Version   :
Module Directory : /lib/modules/
ERROR: Kernel modules did not compile

The DRI drivers can not be installed without the latest kernel modules.
Installation will be aborted. See the dri.log file for information on
what went wrong.

As a consequence of that, currently the only way for me to watch a video is to 
use mplayer with "x11/xv" which is far from optimum (previously "vidix" was 
working flawlessy).
Any help will be appreciated.
On this laptop no Windows system survives and LINUX POWER reigns UNLIMITED.
Successfully Microsoft free since December 2002.

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