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Re: Laptop recommendation

Owen Heisler wrote:
> I'd like to get a laptop, but don't know where I should look...
> It would be really great if it was fully supported by the Linux kernel

yes, a thinkpad seems like a good idea for that

> (maybe even video acceleration as well?  Is there such a thing?),
> without all the annoying fiddling.

/me bites his tongue

> Next, I don't know if it is really possible with laptops, but one that
> is friendly where hardware replacements are concerned.  Like if the hard
> drive or DVD drive goes bad, that it is relatively simple/cheap to
> replace them.  In fact, I'd like to find a laptop that is a bit bigger
> and heavier and bulkier and whatever in order to get a little bit more
> friendliness with hardware and heat problems and whatnot.

what i cannot recommend is sony laptops due to their spare part policies.

> Last: are there any laptops with 2 hard drives?

the tp's can have two (the cd/dvd drive bay can hold another hd with an
adapter that can fit into instead)

> Obviously, I want to run Debian on this laptop.  It'll probably be Etch,
> if not the next one (testing after Etch is released).
> Perhaps linuxcertified.com is a good place?  Oh, and maybe I should
> mention that price is a concern, $3000 seems like a lot to pay for a
> laptop...

if you're a student, most companies will give you discount for a proof
of studentship.

> Thanks lots for your help; I'm new to the laptop arena.


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