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Re: Re: wpasupplicant dhcp ifplugd

Thanks  for all the tips,

since my router crashed last week I was not able to test my wlan
immediately with the new settings. Now both versions as mentioned in
/usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.modes work. Since someone else may
find it useful, I paste now the two working configurations

This is how my /etc/network/interfaces starts:

# The loopback network interface

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# ifplugd brings up interfaces, so do not bring them up at startup.
noauto eth0 eth1

# Both Ethernet and Wifi interfaces are managed automatically
mapping eth0
        script guessnet-ifupdown
        map default: foreign
        map timeout: 3
        map verbose: true

mapping eth1
        script guessnet-ifupdown
        map default: wpa
        map timeout: 3
        map verbose: true

1. I forgot, that I should mention to wpasupplicant that I use TKIP.
Thats why there should be

iface wpa inet dhcp
        wpa-driver wext
        wpa-ssid PENTHOUSE
        wpa-key-mgmt WPA-PSK
        wpa-proto WPA
        wpa-pairwise TKIP
        wpa-group TKIP
	wpa-psk 007007007007007

instead of

iface wpa inet dhcp
        wpa-driver wext
        wpa-ssid PENTHOUSE
        wpa-key-mgmt WPA-PSK
        wpa-passphrase "secrect phrase"
        wireless-mode Managed

I don't know, if changing from passphrase to key had any effect, but
since I read, it was the recommended way (and I also only found this
version in the doc of wpasupplicant) I thought, it would be a good idea
to follow it.

2. This second approach was easier to be set up: I  just used the backup
of my old wpa_supplicant.conf:

iface wpa1 inet manual
        wpa-conf /home/MYHOME/.wpa/wpa_supplicant.conf
        wpa-action /etc/wpa_supplicant/dhclient

and in /home/MYHOME/.wpa/wpa_supplicant.conf


### Associate with any open access point
###  Scans/ESSID changes can be done with wpa_cli
        psk="Secret Passphrase"


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