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Re: Re-partitioning failing...

Eric D Nielsen, 2002-Dec-22 20:17 -0500:
> I recently bought a vprMatrix laptop and am trying to setup a dual boot
> winXP/Debian configuration.
> I'm used to using fips to repartition windows drives non-destructively, however
> it can't handle the NTFS partition.  So I tried PowerQuests's Partition Magic
> to resize the existing partition to make room for Debian.
> Running PM8 under WinXP I resized the 30 GB drive to about 8 GB for WinXP and
> 22 for Debian.  It says it needs to reboot to make the changes.  I let it
> reboot.  I see some message from PM come up during the boot up, screen flashes
> a few times and windows boots back up.  I run PM8 to check the current state of
> the partitions and there is no change.
> I tried running PM8 off the bootable CD in dos mode, make the same desired 
> partition table and hit apply,
> I receive an "Volume bitmap wrong size file 6 (128)" error message.
> Can anyone offer any advice?
> Eric

I recommend converting the NTFS to FAT32.  I believe you can do this
with built-in tools on WinXP.  This will give you a much better
supported filesystem.  After the conversion, you can resize using PM8
and see if it works.  If it doesn't, I would recommend parted.  NTFS
is a pita to work with in anything other than a pure MS environment.


Jeff Coppock		Systems Engineer
Diggin' Debian		Admin and User

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