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Installing Debian on Gateway Solo

I have an old(er) Gateway Solo, with a broken CD-ROM.
I have been trying to install Debian Linux 2.2 Rev_4
off of floppy disks. I am very close, but not quite
there. I am attemping to install 'idepci_2.2.19'. I
have copied the images for rescue.bin and root.bin on
to two floppies and know that they work by testing on
another unit.

I can boot and rescue.bin works. I can't, however, get
root.bin to load as the ramdisk. I think that my
problem is that my 'floppy-drive' is actually an
'ide-drive' instead. It is recognized by the
rescue.bin as (LS-120 SLIM 05 UDH Floppy, ATAPI Floppy
drive) and is mapped to hdd with partitions
hdd1..hdd4. I am trying to find the right parmaters to
give at the 'root: prompt'. I have read the 'HOWTO
BootPrompt' but don't have the paramaters down yet. I
have tried 'linux root=/dev/hdd', 'linux
floppy=/dev/hdd', and many more. So far no good. 

Any ideas would be welcome.


Bryan Daniels

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