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Re: X configuration for Inspiron 4000

On Tue, Jun 12, 2001 at 11:08:24AM +0100, Vivek Dasmohapatra wrote:
> Ok, sounds like you don't have a screen defined in your serverlayout
> section. Mine looks like this:

Vivek, it was my fault all the way. Being my minimalistic self
I didnt think that startx with nothing in .xinitrc would lead
the server to terminate immediately. It was actually running
fine. I have now installed a wm and it works fine.

Thanks for your help :)
Alex Suzuki ..:.. asuzuki@bluewin.ch ..:.. http://www.cynox.ch      
GEEK code:  GCS d+(-) s a--- C+++ UL P+ L+++ !E  W++ N++ o? K?
w-- !O !M V- PS+ !PE Y+ PGP- t+++ 5+ X@ R- tv--@ b+ DI D++ G--
e* h-- r++ y+

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