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Re: KNOPPIX_V6.4.3DVD-2010-12-20-EN.iso - problem with command /sbin/halt

On 01/24/2011 03:56 PM, Klaus Knopper wrote:
Hello JD,

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 03:43:12PM -0800, JD wrote:
Dear all,
I downloaded the DVD iso, and after download, I
computed it's md5 checksum. It matches the
checksum that is online:
Let's assume the Image was OK.

I booted this knoppix in VirtualBox.
After some finageling, trying to find a way
to change the screen resolution (and failed),
as the gnome utility would not list any available
resolutions other than 600x400 and 800x600,
The resolution and features of the simulated graphics card depend
entirely on what virtualbox tells the operating system, i.e. monitor
frequencies, graphics cards memory, acelleration support and such.

If you are sure that all settings in the virtualizations preferences are
correct, you can try to force Knoppix using "incorrect" (i.e. out of the
range reported by the virtualization) values using boot options like

knoppix hsync=95 vsync=85

which will disable automatic monitor detection and force a horizontal
refresh rate of 95 kHz and vertical sync of 85 Hz. At least with kvm, I
do get higher resolutions using these options.

I issued
halt -p

and got an I/O error message.
I think this is an entirely independent problem. It could be that

- The CD gets virtually "ejected" from the drive while it is still being accessed,

- Some program did not shut down correctly during shutdown, and is now
   blocking others in the "poweroff" process.

- Something else I don't know yet.

A more precise description of the "I/O" error message would be great.
It may also be the case that just the "eject" command does not work in
virtualbox DVD drive simulation.

Usually, logging out with "Shutdown and Poweroff" in the logout manager,
or issuing "sudo shutdown -h now" or "sudo init 0" should also do the
trick. Please make sure that your virtualization understands the ACPI or
APM calls necessary for switching off the virtual machine.

-Klaus Knopper
Thank you Klaus.
The fact is that I had not ejected the DVD.
In fact in virtualbox, the configuration specifying
the DVD drive was/is the iso image within my host.
So, no I had not ejected it.
Also, I was issuing the halt -p command from the
gnome terminal while still in gnome desktop,
and su'ed to root.
file /sbin/halt
also yields the I/O error message.

I retried (i.e. I rebooted from the iso image).
And this time I had no problem with halt.
However, the gnome-display-properties
would not put into effect my selection of
a resolution different from 1150x8?? (I forgot).
I did follow you advice to proide the boot params of
hsync=95 and vsync=85

I tried to put the display into 1024x768
and the selection was available, but clicking
"Apply" was not causing a change in the screen
resolution and, thus, size.

So, something is wrong with the gnome util
or my suspicion is that some other daemon needs
to be running in order for changing the resolution
to be functional.



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