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Re: ????: Re: Knoppix 5.0 CD

On Mon, May 01, 2006 at 07:50:08PM +0100, Manolis Mathioudakis wrote:
> Klaus Knopper <debian-knoppix@knopper.net> ??????:  On Tue, Apr 18, 2006 at 11:19:10AM +0100, Yann Cochard wrote:
> > On Tue, 18 Apr 2006 11:03:51 +0100 (BST), Manolis Mathioudakis wrote
> > > The Knoppix 5.0 CD was supposed to be out in about 15 after Cebit. 
> > > Still no word on it. Can we excpect anything soon?
> > 
> > Hey! That's a question I can answer:
> > 
> > http://knopper.net/faq/knoppix-release-en.html
> > 
> > ;-)
> Right. I hope the text does not sound too strange, but I'm really behind
> my release plan because of new KDE, Kernel, and lots of things that have
> been on the Cebit-wishlist for a while and a few bugs that have been
> found since then.
> So, I'm also not giving an answer here, even that I'm quite
> confident.... ;-)
> Regards
> -Klaus Knopper
> -- 
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-knoppix-request@lists.debian.org
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster@lists.debian.org
> You can't blame a user for asking? Can you?  :-) 

Well, as it looks, I still need some time to fix
both the CD and DVD version, especially for installer and mount issues
(I would really like to find out why KDE doesn't mount partitions
read-only, as it should, anymore).

>   I was under the impression that 5.0 was one of the most stable versions out there. Not many ppl complained. 

Because not so many people got this version? ;-)

We made 40.000 DVDs for Cebit, but daily (!) downloads of the "old"
version are about 20.000-40.000, so naturally, there are few bug reports
for 5.0 yet.

>   I hope that the problems are not that serious.

At least 25 bugs, not catastrophic ones, but still.

The most annoying bug is the aforementioned fact that KDE 3.5.2 on
Knoppix mounts partitions read-write while the .desktop file still says
they should be mounted read-only. When trying this again at the
KDE-booth at Cebit, this bug was not reprodicable using the same KDE
3.5.2 version from Debian/unstable on a plain Debian installation. 

>   I could image udev could be a problem. But KDE? I am sure you do the best you can. I just hope you finish soon

udev was less of a problem than expected. It has some problems related
to slow USB devices, disappearing USB mounts, but those may be fixed

Another more serious bug is that 5.0 fails to boot with the "bootfrom"
or "tohd" options.

At the moment, it's more the summary of small bugs that causes the
delay. And I'd like to do some more testing before an official release
of the download version.

With kind regards
-Klaus Knopper

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