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Re: [debian-knoppix] klik

Hi Mike,

klik, that's me :)

> If anyone from the klik project is on the list..
> Drop me a line I would
> like to hepl

That's great! I really can use some help on this. 

At this time, I see the following priorities:

* Improve the generic handler code for KDE apps (see http://klik.berlios.de/?viewrecipe=generic-footer) 
* Even more important: make a generic generic handler code for GNOME apps 
* Find a way to make Win32codecs work in the mplayer recipe w/o recompiling. This will likely involve patching the binaries and therefore make a good example for other apps that need patching alike
* And finally, to make klik scripts for apps everyone wants (please follow the style of the existing ones more or less - e. g. do not use apt-get on the client side for speed reasons and do not compile stuff on the client machine)

I am looking forward to your contributions at http://klik.berlios.de/?contribute=recipe :-)

Please feel free to post questions to http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7680 or contact me at this mail address.

Thanks a lot

debian-knoppix mailing list

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