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Re: [debian-knoppix] Timezone specification in Knoppix (patch included)

Hi Tim,

On Fri, Dec 12, 2003 at 09:28:58AM -0600, Tim Pope wrote:
> I noticed Knoppix always uses a timezone of CET.  This is particularly
> noticable booting on machines where the hardware clock is stored in UTC
> (even with the utc boot option); however, it can cause minor problems
> even on systems using local time (e.g., emails will be timestamped
> incorrectly).  I've attached a patch of knoppix-autoconfig which allows
> one to specify the name of a file in /usr/share/zoneinfo to be copied to
> /etc/localtime, using the tz option.

Very good idea. I included your patch for the next update, thanks a lot.

> I've also changed the default to be dependent on the language.  This
> approach is obviously imperfect, but I find it preferable to the current
> situation.


> On an unrelated note, is there any reason for /etc/usbmgr to exist?  I
> know space is always at a premium, and this seems to be an unnecessary
> 566k.

I don't know why this directory survived a dpkg --purge of usbmgr (which
is not needed because hotplug is there). I just removed it. Thanks again
for a space-saving idea.

-Klaus Knopper
debian-knoppix mailing list

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