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RE: [debian-knoppix] Q : Knoppix update?

Ah ... Yes ... Knoppix is really 2.5 GB of uncompressed executables and data
files, compressed to 700 MB by a scheme that allows live de-compression. So
... The next question is, "What fraction of Knoppix 'air time' (users times
hours) is devoted to running Knoppix in its native form, live from the CD,
and what fraction of the air time is devoted to folks like me, who mostly
unpack it to hard disk with "knx-hdinstall" and run with it that way?" I
suspect the two groups have vastly different needs.

Given the number of re-mastered versions available -- at least a dozen the
last time I looked -- my guess is that the majority are using it live for
some specific collection of software. So the idea of a "customization kit":
essentially just an unpack script, an "apt-get" script and a repack/CD burn
script is appealing to me. 

Swap space? Seems like RAM is fairly inexpensive here in the USA, and you
only buy it once. Broadband you pay for every month, and there's no
effective way for a "hobbyist" such as myself to negotiate a "competitive
procurement". The cable / satellite / DSL providers here are essentially
unregulated monopolies.

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
"Suppose that tonight, while you sleep, a miracle happens - you wake up
tomorrow with what you have longed for! How will you discover that a miracle
happened? How will your loved ones? What will be different? What will you
notice? What do you need to explode into tomorrow with grace, power, love,
passion and confidence?" -- L. Michael Hall, PhD

> -----Original Message-----
> From: debian-knoppix-admin@linuxtag.org 
> [mailto:debian-knoppix-admin@linuxtag.org] On Behalf Of CP
> Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 1:11 AM
> To: znmeb@cesmail.net
> Cc: debian-knoppix@linuxtag.org
> Subject: RE: [debian-knoppix] Q : Knoppix update?
> On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, M. Edward Borasky wrote:
> > What to add? More than anything else, I'd like to see kernel source 
> > and "make-kpkg", a remastering toolkit and jigdo (Jigsaw Download) 
> > support. That way, those of us who still have dial-up only could 
> > rebuild our own releases easily. I'm still buying CDs and 
> downloading 
> > .debs at 2.7 kilobytes per second while I'm asleep and at work. :) 
> > I've *never* downloaded a full .iso.
> Won't the compressed image effectivly make jigdo useless for 
> downloading Knoppix upgrades?  See 
> https://lists.berlios.de/pipermail/jigdo-> user/2003-October/000093.html
> The author of jigdo makes some suggestions for something that 
> might work at 
> https://lists.berlios.de/pipermail/jigdo-> user/2003-October/000096.html
> I'm all for a better way to retrieve Knoppix upgrades via 
> dialup.  I was thinking that I could remaster by downloading 
> debs as long as I have an updated sources.list and dpkg 
> --set-selections.  Of course this assumes that all changes 
> will be available in debs.  Or am I missing some nugget of knowledge?
> This remastering technique will be problematic for most users 
> with the 1GB RAM/swap requirement. I think we can make the 
> upgrade process easier for us dialup users by making 
> available a script to wget all the debs (similiar to what 
> apt-zip creates) and providing a script to remaster.  Or 
> maybe someone has been done this already?
> Chaz
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