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Re: [debian-knoppix] kde broken, apt-get update problems

On Wed, Nov 26, 2003 at 08:02:45AM -0800, M. Edward Borasky wrote:
> Actually, the way Knoppix interacts with the package system is a little more
> broken than just the KDE issues. I just ordered a CD of the 11-19-2003
> release (mine is apparently a beta 3.3 from September) just to get the new
> KDE and OpenOffice. But the version I currently have is seriously flawed
> when you try to use "dselect". Once you start "dselect", you end up removing
> dozens of packages. This is a real show-stopper for me -- I depend on
> "dselect" with "woody", where it works flawlessly. Is this fixed in
> 11-19-2003??

Nothing is fixed, since nothing is broken. Really. You should read the
Debian documentation about how theit update system works.

Please update KDE from the unstable branch, unless you want to downgrade
to the "stable" version 2.2 or fully remove KDE. dselect is not a
sufficient tool for this. Or, at your wish, set the default to
"unstable" in /etc/apt/sources.list if you want to automatically get all
packages from unstable, instead of just upgrading from testing. Or,
upgrade individual packages manually. There are so many solutions to
your problem.

> Regarding the hacks on the Debian site: I knew something was wrong when I
> couldn't get to the security update sites over the weekend. I assumed it was
> "just" a DoS attack at the time. As of yesterday, I still couldn't get to
> "packages.debian.org", although most everything else seems to be up if you
> don't mind an occasional page coming up in Swedish instead of US English. So
> ... Our worthy competitor Bill Gates has offered a rather substantial cash
> bounty for information against the virus creators that wreaked such havoc on
> his user community over the summer. How many millions of Debian and other
> GNU/Linux/FreeBSD users are there? What if each of us donated $1US to a
> bounty fund to be used against the thugs who mount DoS attacks and crack
> free software sites?

Yes, there are currently problems on the Debian archives due to an
attempted break-in on the Debian servers. Please read
the Debian news about this. It has nothing to do with Knoppix.

> Avoid experiments on a production system? But what if your product is
> research? <ducking>

Knoppix is not a product.

-Klaus Knopper
debian-knoppix mailing list

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