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Bug#986822: BUG#986822 Broadwell SST CATPT Sound module

problem resolved, i think.

new sof firmware update came out, not sure its arrival was more than a coincidence

1 - disabling all intel vitrualisation options in the helix bios was enough to allow the fw to load thus  pavucontrol was now seeing input bars moving but no sound output.

2 - ran alsactl -U init after i noticed ucm errors when running alsactl init.

3 - aplay -l now sees all 3 cards when docked and 2 when tablet only.

4 - alsamixer still showed the correct hw but a lot of outputs were muted, by enabling and disabling them all in sequence enabling the front dac enabled sount from the rt256 card and headphone socket.

I'm doing basic checks like detaching and reattaching to see if that affects the sound, so far ok Only noticeable thing is the fw gets reloaded 3 or 4 times a session, but doesn't seem to affect anything . If i have not commented more  in a week feel free to close the bug.

On Tue, 15 Jun 2021 at 11:43, Dekks Herton <dekkzz76@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Vincent

I'll kill the pipewire server, i would uninstall the packages but they are hard deps for gnome now.

Is the fw file catpt is trying to load the correct one? Is there new fw files that come with catpt that have been forgotten?
Is there a listiing for the error codes -110 and -2, are they missing files or read permission issues?


On Sun, 13 Jun 2021 at 18:08, Vincent Blut <vincent.debian@free.fr> wrote:

Le 2021-06-05 08:31, Dekks Herton a écrit :
> Hi
> Additional alsa-info script output

>From a quick look, alsa-info reports that you're running both PipeWire and
PulseAudio sound servers. While it may not be the root cause of your issue,
if you want to stick with the former, please disable the latter:
$ sudo systemctl --user disable --now pulseaudio.service pulseaudio.socket

Note though that using PipeWire as a substitute to PulseAudio/JACK/ALSA in
Debian 11 is considered experimental.


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