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Re: no permission as root?

how can I disable it, can it be configured in /sys ?
Can't find it in any manpage. It should be documented somewhere!
It is helpful for nfs (or other remote access), but not local. If root already, there's no difference.
I say best would be a mount-option.


On 2016-01-19 21:50, Julien Cristau wrote:
Ah, right. That is the "protected symlinks" hardening feature.


On January 19, 2016 9:36:50 PM CET, Die Optimisten <inform@die-optimisten.net> wrote:
On 2016-01-19 20:06, Julien Cristau wrote:
On Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 19:44:26 +0100, Die Optimisten wrote:

I#m using normal Debian, without virtualization, etc
Why do I have access as user, but not as root????

google for nfs root squash.

Hi Julien,
Its local, without NFS!  (rootfs  ext2, mounted without acl, xattr, etc  )
Furthermore, if a user created the link, other users can't follow it,
other users can follow only, if created by root.

test@PcDach:/tmp/BB$ dir RR
lrwxrwxrwx 1 andreas andreas 39 Jan 19 21:25 RR -> /RRR/
test@PcDach:/tmp/BB$ dir RR/
ls: cannot access RR/: Permission denied
test@PcDach:/tmp/BB$ dir /RRR/    # shows all
total 82048
drwxrwxrwx  3 andreas test       4096 Jan 19 19:04 .
drwxrwxrwx  59 root    test      12288 Jan 15 17:10 ..


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