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Re: Problem with ACPI on reboot

Hi everyone,

I finally found what feature is in cause of my reboot problem, It seems to be the frequency adjusting feature of the intel processor.
These options in the bios configuration panel have to be turn 'disable' for my server

Intel speedstep
Intel C state

It's that why since I've do this my processor run all time at his full frequency value.
I'm lucky because It doesn't seem to overheat, I will still monitor his temperature during next days.

I hope the kernel will be fix to handle this problem soon

2015-01-29 17:34 GMT+01:00 Ben Hutchings <ben@decadent.org.uk>:
On Thu, 2015-01-29 at 16:41 +0100, Pierre GINDRAUD wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I've bought recently, an motherboard in order to make a simple server
> in my home, the model is a ASROCK Q2900 ITX (see documentation below)
> http://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/Q2900-ITX/
> My problem occur when I reboot the MB.
> If I turn off (shutdown -h now) and push physically the power button
> it successfully restart
> But if I type `reboot` the MB turn off but doesn't power on, the boot
> freeze just after showing POST screen of the bios.
> During my test, I've try to put "acpi=off" option to kernel and the
> reboot problem disappear, but this time it's the shutdown process
> which is impacted. When I type shutdown the system succesfully halt
> but the MB doesn't physically poweroff
> Does anyone have an idea to fix this problem ?

Check whether there's a BIOS update available.


Ben Hutchings
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