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devfs_mk_dir: invalid argument.<4>devfs_mk_dev: could not append to parent for /disc

Hi all!

First of all, thanks in advance.

I'm migrating a Woody box to Sarge, since it's support is almost finishing,
and I'm getting a huge list with this error:

devfs_mk_dir: invalid argument.<4>devfs_mk_dev: could not append to parent for

It's repeated about 100 times or so, and I _really_ spent a lot of
hours googling but the most I could find is that it's a problem of the
initrd image and nothing more.

I'm using RAID plus LVM2 over Sarge. I regenerated several times the
initrd image, adding the lvm modules and so, but I still getting that

I'll be grateful if somebody could give me a hand.

Thanks in advance,


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