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Re: Open a discussion about bug 253324

On Sat, Jul 03, 2004 at 07:33:23PM +0200, Christoph Hellwig wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 30, 2004 at 09:37:22AM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
> > I probably don't disagree, i only disagree with the dictatorial method,
> > while this was supposed to be a team.
> If a team needs to discuss every little bit of work it's much less
> effective then a single person doing the actual work.  Given a +wontfix

Yeah, the problem is when one team member has the power to simply get
the work another did discarded, then it is assuredly less productive.

> tag can be easily removed and Herbert's comments in the bug support that
> tag I didn't think a discussion would be warranted.  If you want to
> discuss we should do so now instead of starting the personal attack crap
> again and again.

Well, you don't like the patch, and Herbert didn't, now, the question is
what about the functionality ? Do you also discard it because it is not
the one true way of kernel booting, or do you find it acceptable ?
Clearly many thing it would be an asset to debian. So, if you find the
above patch unacceptable, a few line explaining why would be welcome
here, at least for your fellow team members, but more important, this is
a callout to discussing of a methodology to implement that desired
feature, and a path to get it implemented eventually.

No, sorry if i did clash with you previously on the marvell patch, i
recognize that you where right about the new patch, but i still notice
that you sent the patch only today, while the other driver could have
been usefull since then, but this is an important question on how we
will get our team to work in the future or not, and if this is going to
be usefull and work, then you have to adapt a bit and play it team.

And for your information, i was very very near last friday to thorw in
the towel, and retire completely of debian kernel packaging after the
way you and Jens have threated me, discarding my opinion without even
thinking about it. The only think that stopped me a bit was that i am
not entirely sure that you and Jens and William understand enough large
scale needs of a debian kernel package, but i may have been wrong even
with that.

So, please let's stop being so agressive with us, and remember that this
is supposed to be a team, which means that we have to play it in a team
way too, even if this means sacrificing a bit of our efficiency to get
the team in touch.

Also notice that i submitted most of the pegasos patches upstream after
a round of cleanup, on the linuxppc-dev list. I am a bit of a loss at
what will happen with it now, and somehow fear that it may well rot on
the mailing lists and never get in, but i will follow up on that on the
linuxppc-dev mailing lists next week, or ask benh on irc.


Sven Luther

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