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Re: Is KOrganizer broken only for me?

So it seems that it's not only broken for me. Others are getting the
same symptoms: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=410167 and it
seems that they're no closer to figuring it out than I am.

Just in case anybody else runs into this issue.

On Fri, 15 Nov 2019 at 02:10, Borden Rhodes <borden@bordenrhodes.com> wrote:
> Thank you for looking through the log file.
> On Thu, 14 Nov 2019 at 21:05, Sandro Knauß <hefee@debian.org> wrote:
> >
> > the log file is not very helpful, as this is the Akonadi one. Can you crate the
> > log file from korganizer?
> After setting up the .ini file you suggested, I ran
> $ korganizer &> korg_debug.txt
> and paste-binned the korg_debug.txt file. So perhaps there are other
> switches I need to enable to get a proper korganizer dump?
> > What backend you use to store those events? a local ical file, on a server,
> > using CalDav? As those backends have very different permission systems.
> I use an iCal directory resource stored in my home folder as the
> calendar. The permissions on the folder and all iCal files contained
> therein is (if my binary's correct 644 - basically read access for all
> users and write users for me). Should I chown it to 664 or 666? Again,
> it's been working just fine up until a few weeks ago.
> With thanks,

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