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Re: plasma 5.8 upgrade - white desktop i.s.o. sddm login

Hi, in addition.  When I stop sddm, the screen turns black, when I start sddm the screen becomes white,
with below status message. Looks normal to me, but not as the screen shown only white.


root@canne:~# service sddm start
root@canne:~# service sddm status
● sddm.service - Simple Desktop Display Manager
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/sddm.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since zo 2016-10-09 21:54:39 CEST; 32s ago
     Docs: man:sddm(1)
  Process: 4518 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c [ "$(cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager 2>/dev/null)" = "/usr/bin/sddm" ] (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 4522 (sddm)
    Tasks: 4 (limit: 4915)
   CGroup: /system.slice/sddm.service
           ├─4522 /usr/bin/sddm
           └─4524 /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg -nolisten tcp -auth /var/run/sddm/{5cf693b5-a283-442f-9e3a-f3fb7aefa22d} -background none -noreset -displayfd 18 vt7

okt 09 21:54:39 canne sddm[4522]: Display server started.
okt 09 21:54:39 canne sddm[4522]: Socket server starting...
okt 09 21:54:39 canne sddm[4522]: Socket server started.
okt 09 21:54:39 canne sddm[4522]: Greeter starting...
okt 09 21:54:39 canne sddm[4522]: Adding cookie to "/var/run/sddm/{5cf693b5-a283-442f-9e3a-f3fb7aefa22d}"
okt 09 21:54:39 canne sddm-helper[4530]: [PAM] Starting...
okt 09 21:54:39 canne sddm-helper[4530]: [PAM] Authenticating...
okt 09 21:54:39 canne sddm-helper[4530]: [PAM] returning.
okt 09 21:54:39 canne sddm[4522]: Greeter session started successfully
okt 09 21:54:40 canne sddm[4522]: Message received from greeter: Connect

2016-10-09 21:50 GMT+02:00 Luc Castermans <luc.castermans@gmail.com>:
Hi,   I have:

root@canne:~# dpkg -l  | fgrep kwin
ii  kde-window-manager                                          4:5.8.0-1                            all          transitional package for kwin-x11
ii  kwin-common                                                 4:5.8.0-1                            amd64        KDE window manager, common files
ii  kwin-data                                                   4:5.8.0-1                            all          KDE window manager data files
ii  kwin-style-breeze                                           4:5.8.0-1                            amd64        KWin Breeze Style
ii  kwin-style-qtcurve                                          1.8.14-3+b2                          amd64        QtCurve window decoration for KWin
ii  kwin-x11                                                    4:5.8.0-1                            amd64        KDE window manager, X11 version
ii  libkwin4-effect-builtins1                                   4:5.8.0-1                            amd64        KDE window manager effect builtins library
ii  libkwineffects9                                             4:5.8.0-1                            amd64        KDE window manager effects library
ii  libkwinglutils9                                             4:5.8.0-1                            amd64        KDE window manager gl utils library
ii  libkwinxrenderutils9                                        4:5.8.0-1                            amd64        KDE window manager render utils library
ii  qml-module-org-kde-kwindowsystem:amd64                      5.26.0-1                             amd64        provides integration of QML and KDE frameworks - kwindowsystem

Don't think missing kwin is the problem. I notice an awfull lot, 1048 kworker processes running.
is this normal?


2016-10-09 17:08 GMT+02:00 Diederik de Haas <didi.debian@cknow.org>:
On zondag 9 oktober 2016 16:37:33 CEST Luc Castermans wrote:
> Could I still be missing packages?

At what version is kwin? That package had to go through NEW and was therefor
added to the archives later then the others, but it is available now.

If you didn't use 'aptitude safe-upgrade', you may want to do so in the future
as it would've hold of upgrades which weren't ready ;-)

Luc Castermans

Luc Castermans

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